Secrets of a successful, full-time hypnotist and NLP trainer. Discover trade secrets of the director of a private hypnosis clinic, personal development author and speaker.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
How to Use Beliefs and Actions to Make These Holidays Merry!
Sometimes not. Sometimes families get together and feel resentments, throw around recrimination and seek revenge. Life can be so challenging like that. Of course they don't see any other way. Doubt poisons lives like that.
Children wish and believe. They are little examples of faith. Doubt is learned, taught or "caught" in a family or group. Faith is a gift and allows for love, financial success and rewards. Unfortunately, some people have co-opted faith and belief and called it "The Secret" or the "Law of Attraction" (LOA).
Many people are struggling in a culture that encourages entitlement, doubt and self-pity. The way the Law of Attraction has been taught only encouraged that, especially if people willingly ignored reality for a while. In those states of mind, and after experiencing frustration, most people become apathetic and discover they were given garbage. Other people blame themselves and feel guilty.
I will be teaching a group of people the missing pieces of the Law of Attraction. In a 90-minute live seminar, you can learn how to get what you want and why my clients who never heard of the LOA succeed like crazy.
Apathy and complacency are two of the most limiting beliefs that keep people trapped in what they have been doing to cope: drinking or overeating or smoking. I have powerful and effective programs about weight loss, smoking cessation and how to overcome the beliefs and assumptions that hold us back.
Perhaps you'd like to see for yourself. Visit the Capital Hypnosis YouTube channel now.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Give Thanks for Local Businesses - Dane County Buy Local
Buying local helps your pocketbook in many ways. Keeping money circulating in the economy locally can help save your job because when people buy from locally owned businesses, those businesses have money to spend with your business or employer.
Avoiding spending money when you have enough because of fear is irrational. Money is like blood in your circulatory system. The body and the economy is only healthy when things are flowing.
Fear is like a clot stopping the flow. The economy or the market is the big picture of lots of little decisions. Make the right decision this holiday season. Spend money with local businesses.
If you need help letting go of the stress and fear about money so you can get a job or take action, call us at +1-608-288-9800 by December 29, 2009 to schedule your free stress-buster session. That's my gift to you. Remember this is a valuable gift. If you thought this was too good to be true, then you need this gift even more. Hurry to schedule your free session right away. Call today 608-288-9800!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hypnosis May Help Area Smokers to Quit Smoking
Today a newspaper article in the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen documents the success hypnosis has with smoking cessation.
CAMBRIA — A Cambria businessman and veteran who found a way to quit smoking is spearheading an effort to give others the opportunity to do the same.
Kurt Skinner, originally from West Bend, owns and operates South Central Wisconsin Auto Glass Repair in Cambria with his wife, Bambi. They started the business in June.
Skinner said he had been using tobacco products since 1985, when he was in the fifth grade, first cigarettes and then chewing tobacco. He said that he had tried many times to quit, with no success.
Skinner served in the army for seven years, after signing up a few months after Sept. 11, 2001. Skinner said that his tobacco use varied. When he joined the Army he found it “hard to run and smoke” so he switched to chewing tobacco. Skinner worked in communications in the Army and was deployed twice.
The couple has three children, and one of their daughters has asthma and allergy problems, which helped Skinner make the decision to quit. His wife suggested he try hypnosis. He made an appointment at Capital Hypnosis in Madison during the first week of August, and hasn’t used tobacco since.
Skinner was so impressed by how hypnosis worked for him that he began trying to find a way to bring his hypnotist to Cambria.
“I know that it will work if a person does want to quit,” Skinner said.
Read the entire article for news about the special event Kurt has arranged in his community.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Faster, Easier Weight Loss Secrets Revealed On Video About Hypnosis
People often wonder what's the secret to losing weight. We have videos posted on the Internet that reveal our closely guarded secrets to faster, easier weight loss. One of our secrets is the customized hypnosis programs. Other secrets are described in some of the videos which are a sample of the proof the McFall Method of Hypnosis Training works.
Of course individual results vary because everyone is different. That's why we provide a free hypnosis screening to determine whether we can accept you as a client. It's fun and informative, and you can receive something valuable in the experience. I invite you to visit our website at and then call +1.608.288.9800 to schedule your free hypnosis screening. You'll probably be glad you did after you attend the screening.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Real Communication Training on Saturday, September 26, 2009
There is still time to register at the door. You can call 608-288-9800 to commit to coming and pay $77 at the door at 9:00 AM. You can also get directions over the phone and more details here at "How to Get What Really Matters in Life" workshop.
We do reserve the right to refuse admission to those who disrupt the training or otherwise don't qualify for some reason.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New how to manual "Parenting Guide" Released
There is a special section written by Dr. Scott McFall and one by Milton Erickson, MD.
I suggest you contact Julie Nise at or just call her at (281) 996-8000 to order your copy of this useful guide. Tell her Michael Glowacki sent you.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Recover Your Self Esteem
Our colleague, Roch Preite, has particular experience in building and recovering self esteem. His personal and professional experience makes him successful with helping others.
Here are 3 Ideas for Recovering Self Esteem
- We know that when you slow down, relax and accept yourself, you have more power.
- You may need to overcome past trials and ordeals by completing new ordeals that provide evidence you've succeeded.
- Who do you know who likes and accepts themselves? Hang around with them more, develop relationships with them and notice their attitudes and beliefs.
Friday, September 4, 2009
How To Feel Understood By Friends, Family and Other People (and Influence Them Easily and Ethically).
Sometimes you can't figure people out. People want other people to do things for them.
Influence is a valuable thing, especially when you can make others happy while you get what you need and want.
There are at least 5 valuable insights you could gain including:
- Ways to convey your point easily so others see it, really listen and can agree with it,
- How to notice what secretly drives your partner, friend or family member.
- Secret methods from sales and marketing to win friends and understand others
- and personally profitable discoveries you won't want to miss.
I don't know if you will apply this information in your life, but I'm confident you will profit from it like our clients and students have gladly done.
You will discover how to read people quickly and feel instantly understood at September's Success Class. It's on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 7:00 PM.
This night's 90-minute seminar is about how to read people, how to be understood and how to influence others quickly, easily and ethically.
This information is easily worth twenty times the price of admission--hundreds of dollars in the form of a raise, peace of mind or a new sale. I don't know whether you will apply this information and discover the truth in this powerful statement. For one night only you can get it at a bargain and reap the rewards. The price is minimal compared to what you'll get. RSVP now and attend this seminar. Bring your questions, we'll answer them while you learn these techniques.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hypnotists Need to Stop: Abuse of Persuasion
So tailors from all over the land were called in by his advisers to make the emperor some new clothes. The most impressive pair of men proposed a new suit made of the most expensive fabric and materials. These persuasive tailors described the suit they would make in such exquisite detail and such exciting promises that everyone, the emperor and his ministers and advisers were very impressed. The tailors asked for a lot of money, and they got the project.
Soon the grand day arrived, the emperor and his ministers were waiting. In walked the two persuasive tailors with a large box tied with purple ribbon. They described the finished suit and everyone was congratulating themselves and each other for making a smart decision. Then the box was brought forward and opened.
Unfortunately, the most persuasive tailors were scoundrels. The box appeared completely empty. Concerned, the entire court leaned forward, but before they could ask their questions, the two men smiled and said, "Naturally, this suit is made of the rarest and most expensive fabric in the world. Only the most intelligent people can see this fabric."
Of course the entire court, the emperor, hist ministers and his advisers couldn't see the new suit, but not wishing to appear stupid or even unintelligent, they all pretended that they could see the new suit. They remarked to each other, "How beautiful! This is the finest suit of clothes we've ever seen." The emperor, unwilling to be embarrassed about not seeing this rare fabric which only the smartest people could, reached for the box, took out the suit and put it on as best he could.
The scheduled parade was about to start, so every one went outside. They lined up and started walking around the city. Ahead of the procession, the ministers wanted to save face and avoid embarrassing the emperor. So they spread the word about the suit and special fabric. No one could see the clothes, but they all pretended they could because they wanted to pretend they were smart too and avoid embarrassment.
After walking through most of the city, they happened upon a little child who asked his mother, "Why is that man walking around in his underwear?" The mother shushed the child who asked even more insistently and loudly. Soon everybody realized the emperor was really just walking around in his underwear and there were no new clothes. The illusion was broken and everyone felt very ebarrassed.
The truth of this story is described in this earlier post from 2007.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Back to School Promotion: Hypnosis Training for Weight Loss
Hypnosis Training For Weight Loss Produces Results Like This
We see weight loss results week in and week out. Just listen to this:
Real People Lose Weight With Hypnosis
At our clinic we specialize in weight loss and smoking cessation, hypnotism training and NLP training. Often people seek additional hypnotism training or neuro-linguistic programming techniques for self help or even to help others.
During back to school season, Capital Hypnosis is offering a huge discount for a limited time on weight loss and other hypnotism programs. Visit that site and clip the coupon(s) that interest you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Resolving Grief With NLP
At the suggestion of my colleague and fellow NLP trainer, Ken Hatcher, I've had fascinating results using NLP for resolving grief as described by Steve and Connirae Andreas. The hallmark of a master of NLP is using the technology on oneself. The increase in productivity and concentration has suggested to me that this would be a generally useful pattern.
In a training demonstration too, the experience was primarily positive, and all the other students had reactions too. You might want to receive NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner training from the International Hypnotism Training Institutes group of trainers.
The secrets of using NLP in the hypnotist's (or other changeworker's) office make the difference for clients and financial success. You can see the proof in the clients' first person accounts of their life changes.
Friday, August 21, 2009
"I am Tobacco Free Now"
Here the results achieved by a man who stopped chewing tobacco at Capital Hypnosis:
I compeletely believe in this.
I am (have been) at a very stressful time in life, and my wife and I discussed hypnosis. The discussion was mostly about the cost, so I searched Google, and found a guarantee. Two days later, I went to my appointment with my doubts. Because I sincerely know I don't want to use tobacco, I have not had any since I left this office. I completely believe in this. Ten days ago I felt there was no hope. Thank you Capital Hypnosis. I am tobacco free for 10 days and counting. Kurt Skinner, Auto Glass Repair, Madison, WI
Perhaps you can achieve results like this using hypnosis. I don't know yet if you will, so we will give you a 30-45 minute Hypnosis Screening for free. If we accept you as a client, we offer a Written Service Guarantee. Really. Call +1-608-288-9800 now to schedule your Free Hypnosis Screening.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Sales and Marketing Expert Offers 7 Secret Tips For Selling
Communications, sales and marketing expert offers to reveal 7 closely-guarded secrets that he is willing to guarantee will help you make more sales in August 2009 to combat the recession. This valuable information is available for a limited time only to those sales professionals brave enough and smart enough to pursue it.
"I don't know if you will apply this information, but if you are willing to learn and use it you can get results like others I've taught," said Michael Glowacki, a neuro-linguistic communication trainer based in Madison, Wis. "I am willing to share these 7 secret tips with the first 10 people who attend a free private, individual 30-minute conversation." These secrets include:
- How to create an irresistible offer--only the mostly dead would not take you up on it.
- How to change attitudes and become the welcome guest rather than the unwelcome pest.
- When to ask for the sale, and often more importantly when not to.
- and at least four more secret tips...
Warning: this conversation will be intense only in the sheer amount of information provided in 30-minutes. This is not a sales presentation, in either direction. It actually is a rare opportunity to discover and overcome what you don't know that you don't know. This one of a kind special offer to discover valuable secrets that can make the difference for you this month or the next.
Why is he doing this? To combat the recession and make the community a better place to live.
To get your Free 30-minutes of individual conversation with Michael Glowacki, just call (608) 288-9800 before August 25. What have you got to lose but the frustration of losing sales?
Michael Glowacki became a communication, sales and marketing expert through over a decade of study and application of these hidden jewels spending many tens of thousands of dollars in training and real world application and making sales much more than that.
P.S. I know this offer sounds to good to be true. I was skeptical myself when I first thought about learning and applying this information. Only set aside this skepticism for a few days and discover something new. Just take action and you can discover a new world of success and happiness.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
School and College Teachers Can Engage Students More With NLP
Teachers can more effectively and more quickly reach students after learning the largely unknown strategies, techniques and secrets of neuro-linguistics (NLP). Even now, teachers (like you perhaps) have gained more professional and personal confidence, success and satisfaction. Special secrets of how people learn to spell, get more done, handle stress and overwhelm more elegantly and gracefully.
Research has proven the secrets exist in the field of subjective communication--the art and science of NLP. You have a rare opportunity to discover the advantage learning these easy and useful methods can provide you.
Just become a fan by clicking on the title of this post.
Monday, August 3, 2009
How to Work as Much as You Want and Make an Executive Level Income in Your Career.
Who Else Wants to Improve Their Career Skills by Learning Hypnosis and NLP?
Most people who dedicate their lives to helping others change, learn and heal--doctors, nurses, therapists of all kinds, coaches--get overwhelmed with data, details and paperwork. Many professionals are struggling and leaving their chosen professions because they're stressed, overwhelmed and just not making the money and living they dreamed about. Others get burned out because they worked so hard to get where they wanted and discovered they sacrifice too much for not enough reward.
What if there was a way to do your work easier, faster and with better results? And it meant that you had less stress and heard fewer complaints from all directions?
The fact is these people, like you perhaps, are using the wrong communication and language because they weren't taught it in college, graduate or professional school or post-graduate training. How can you be sure this is true? By examining the results and satisfaction you produce.
The Solution You Can Use
By learning to use the art of hypnosis and neuro-linguistics (NLP) properly, you can achieve better personal and job satisfaction and better outcomes. This is a comprehensive training that is tailored to each individual even in group training settings. You can learn things like these people:
Increased Likelihood of Success
"Many concepts and potential results of applying them in real life were briefly presented to increase the variety of resources consciously available to solve problems... increases the likelihood of success in reaching a goal kept always in focus."
Richard W. Biek, MD, MPH, Physician, Middleton, WI
Energized From Training
"Thank you for expanding my horizons and tempting me to explore more. I am energized--something very new from two full days of training."
Barbara W. Lathrop, Middleton, WI
So many people who learn and use hypnosis for personal reasons are regular professional people who want to achieve their goals and just couldn't see the way. Others keep telling themselves they need to exercise, have more fun, pay attention to their families more, but they just don't have the time. Learning the best attitudes and techniques here, now, can greatly improve your results in your professional and personal life.
Only qualified students can participate in learning this art. To find out if you qualify, please contact Michael Glowacki at Capital Hypnosis in Madison, WI directly.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Quit Smoking Hypnosis Program Helps Woman Dump Awful Habit
Woman Quits Awful Habit of 35 Years
This has been a great time in my life. I had been a smoker for 35 yrs & after one session I am happy to say I am now in control of my awful habit. The over all change is truly amazing. I now have more time and am a calmer person.
Candy Pollock, Self Employed, Middleton, Wisconsin
I know you're probably wondering if you can have results like she did. To find out, call us at +1-608-288-9800 to schedule your free hypnosis screening appointment.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Secret Power of Experiencing Success
"I have lost inches around my waist and my pants and jeans are now actually loose. I feel better about the way I look in my clothes and am looking forward to looking even better. My husband makes comments which are favorable and complimentary. I am confident I will be able to continue my healthier eating habits and continue to exercise. My heartburn is gone and I no longer get that stuffed feeling after I eat.
LaVonne Schmidt, Case Manager, Reedsburg, WI
As you can see, this addresses most of the ways she knows she's succeeding. And you may know that you can succeed like she is by using the same method. Just schedule your free screening appointment to discover the secret power LaVonne did. Call +1-608-28-9800 now to set up your appointment.
Monday, July 27, 2009
What is hypnosis?
When you know that hypnosis works, you may start wondering how it works. As several hypnotists and hypnotherapists out there say about hypnosis, "There is no 'it.'" What does that mean?
We simply mean that hypnosis is a natural state of mind people experience everyday several times a day. This state of mind is common. You experience it when you daydream or watch a movie. Maybe you're wondering how does hypnosis work.
Keep reading and we'll explore more.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Training for Outcomes
Without personal goals and positive emotions attached to the goals, you won't really learn this material. Even if the goal is as simple as being a better health care worker, parent or school teacher. That can be enough.
Also vitally important is aligning your behavior with your goals. Aristotle said:
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
This is similar to what all excellent performers do (athlete, actor or singer). They repeat and practice and do the same things, always striving to improve. They get coaches or teachers. So we should all have mentors or teachers.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sales Success Determined by Relationship & Marriage Success
I'm not talking about boundaries, which are good, I'm talking about splitting apart slightly to deal with frustration. If Dr. Fritz Perls was correct, then when we deal with frustrated desires, we discover areas where we could stand to improve. Putting this off for sales and other professionals adds to the pain and frustration.
Unfortunately there is much truth to the cliche, "Where ever you go, there you are." You are who you are, whether you're at home or at work. Trying to split off feelings from one area causes them to crop up in other unwelcome areas. That's the path to incongruous behavior, struggle and poor sales results.
Another poor choice is to shut down all feelings. That's the biggest mistake in a marriage and in professional life. What is life worth without passion? Why get up and go to work unless you're looking forward to something?
Now, unless it's obvious that learning something new will improve the bottom line, and smart sales people already know that, for most people it just feels better to avoid the situation and suffer.
That's why learning in a private coaching program is one of the best solutions. A more affordable choice is a workshop or class with valuable information and learning.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Leveraging Personal Devlopment Secrets for Business Success
The connection is simple yet elusive. Your attitudes and beliefs dictate your habitual behaviors which determine your results. Learning and using the tools from hypnosis and NLP will give you back control of your reactions and attitudes toward changing situations.
Visit the web site CapitalHypnosis/mental-game today and register for your seat at the affordable workshop "How to Win the Mental Games of Success."