Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New how to manual "Parenting Guide" Released

We're excited to see that our colleague Julie Nise, LMFT, LPC, CH and fellow trainer has developed a powerful guide for parents. Those parents, including those who are anxious, overeat or smoke to relieve the emotional stress, who are having problems parenting their kids. It's full of useful information and "how to" ideas for parents seeking ways to improve their parenting skills and reduce the power battles, disrespect issues, and the frustration of not being in control of their children.

There is a special section written by Dr. Scott McFall and one by Milton Erickson, MD.

I suggest you contact Julie Nise at or just call her at (281) 996-8000 to order your copy of this useful guide. Tell her Michael Glowacki sent you.

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