By Michael Glowacki, Certified Hypnotist and Hypnosis Trainer
More and more people realize that it's time to quit smoking as fewer and fewer people regard cigarette smoking as fashionable.
One of the most pressing questions in many smokers' minds when they are searching on the Internet about smoking cessation methods is, "How can I find a method that will really work to quit smoking?" There are offers online for a book to stop smoking, audio CDs from this or that "hypnotherapy" website, prescription pills such as Chantix, acupuncture, laser treatment, nicotine patches, various brands of nicotine replacement gum, nicotine inhalers and smokeless electric cigarettes.
Each of those smoking cessation methods promises to work to help quit smoking. Each of those methods wrongly assume facts to be true that don't match smokers' experiences. Many of those false assumptions can be the reason those methods have limited success. Using hypnotism to replace the false assumptions with new, useful and more believable assumptions can allow smokers to walk away from cigarettes for good.
Certified hypnotists see many people who want to stop smoking after trying those methods and failing. Before coming to a hypnotist, often smokers feel guilty that they started smoking again. People who returned to smoking after trying all the above methods and other familiar ones will sometimes feel frustrated and cheated. These people come to hypnosis clinics for help to quit smoking with hypnosis because they have tried other methods that failed them. Seeing the smokers' frustration and pain while evaluating whether hypnosis will help a particular person quit smoking teaches qualified hypnotists what's happening. Experienced certified hypnotists know what mindset and beliefs will help a smoker quit.
The reasons hypnotists believe those other methods for smoking cessation often fail many smokers include the beliefs of the individual smoker and the mindset that the tobacco industry established. If you consider that the tobacco industry has spent more money on research for marketing and convincing people that cigarettes taste good and keeping smokers smoking, then it's reasonable to understand that smokers could have some harmful beliefs and mindsets that justify a disgusting and dangerous habit.
A rational person will quickly realize that what really matters to a person who wants to quit smoking is, "Will hypnosis work for me to stop smoking once and for all?"
To answer that question, which can be more succinctly asked: "How can I know hypnosis will really work?" a dedicated group of hypnotists from around the country using the same techniques have collected testimonial evidence and made it publicly available on the internet and in their offices. Consider the proof that hypnosis will help a person quit smoking:
"I used to smoke a half to a full pack of cigs a day and really enjoyed it. I also knew that if I continued I would eventually die. I heard of hypnosis through some colleagues and at the screening session learned that this was a very practical means to an end. I tried to quit cold turkey in the past, but the cravings would get the best of me. After a few days I'd be buying another pack. Now I've quit for four days and haven't yet felt the need for a smoke. Every day feels like the idea of smoking gets further and further away."
Corey Kostroski, Paramedic, Madison, WI
As you may expect, every individual is unique, and after years of experience, these hypnotists know there is no typical hypnosis client. That is the very reason each person who hopes to quit smoking using hypnosis needs to attend in person a free hypnosis evaluation, screening and consultation. There is typically no cost involved for this 30-40 minute session.
Actually there is nothing to lose, but the smelly habit that slowly kills. Why should not smokers take action to take control of their lives back from cigarettes today?
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