Friday, January 21, 2011

Hypnosis Training: How to Heal Your Life by Regaining Control

Hypnosis Training: How to Heal Your Life by Regaining Control

By Michael Glowacki

Hypnosis - the very word creates many images in the mind. Although you may have heard of hypnosis and hypnotism, have you ever wondered what happens in hypnosis, if you could be hypnotized and how it works? Have you perhaps seen or been told about remarkable results that people have experienced using hypnotism? Perhaps you were skeptical. I can understand that. I was, too.

People try many methods to solve everyday problems like weight and stress, or harmful habits such as smoking. Many people struggle with other common problems involving self-sabotage and overwhelm. According to the Wall Street Journal, "Hypnosis is increasingly being used for helping people lose weight, stop smoking or even perform better in athletics or academic tests."

People usually seek relief to life's problems using quite traditional treatments with varying results. When they're dissatisfied with the other methods that they have tried, some people will begin a journey through different systems, methods and alternatives. You know folks who seek solutions because what they've tried before didn't work.

This pattern can create a habit in itself-you could consider it a habit of failure and frustration. What if you replace that habit with a habit of success and satisfaction? Many people have turned to hypnosis when everything else failed.

Hypnotism: enhancing your life

Let's clarify that hypnosis is a state of mind, and hypnotism is the application of hypnosis. Forbes magazine says, "Today, hypnotism is becoming an increasingly popular and effective way for people to combat health problems against which they often have little or no control." Some professionals use the outdated term of "hypnotherapy," which implies someone treating or doing something to a client. According to the Washington Business Journal, "Hypnotism today is much more professional and technical than methods used" in the past. "Nowadays, you even get free consultations, screenings and personalized programs that fit you."

Hypnotism skills will enhance your own professional skills. Imagine not only being able to solve problems more easily, you can become a more ethically influential and resourceful communicator. Doing well in interviews and on the job, getting a promotion or handling the responsibilities placed upon you at work or at home all depend on communicating while dealing with your own reactions and feelings.

Professional hypnosis methods

People often ask what's involved in professional hypnotism training. Often they want to learn how hypnosis training can take them to another level of personal growth and opportunity. As long as you have the compassion to want to truly help others, the capacity and desire to learn, you are a good candidate for a training program.

Students go through the flexible evening courses or intensive multi-day trainings in Basic Hypnotism Methods for various reasons. They follow a curriculum developed by a dedicated group of hypnotism and NLP trainers. This 150-hour curriculum is approved by the International Hypnotist Training Association and qualifies the graduate for certification by the American Board of Hypnotherapy or National Guild of Hypnotists.

These hypnotism trainers have come together to share their collective knowledge for the betterment of the world. They are committed to the proper understanding of hypnosis and to helping people learn how to use their minds to solve real problems in their lives.

Hypnotism as a profession

Taking further training in Advanced Hypnotism, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and even specialty trainings are necessary to practice as a professional hypnotist. Typically people succeed with a personal application of hypnosis and then, wanting to learn more, go on to study Basic Hypnotism and/or take NLP training, which are available in Madison, Wis. Others just start with the training itself.

No matter what stage of life you are currently in, the hypnosis profession can take you to a higher level of personal growth and professional success.

At Capital Hypnosis in Madison, Wisconsin you can learn Hypnotism and NLP at basic and advanced levels. Michael Glowacki, a co-author of two books, belongs to this group of dedicated trainers who are able to help people create breakthroughs, sometimes immediately. We are so confident our methods deliver the most effective solutions available in our scope of practice that we provide clients with a written service guarantee. Visit to request more information. Call Capital Hypnosis at +1.608.288.9800 to set up an interview.

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